Saturday, July 25, 2009

New Blog

Well, I've made the plunge and decided to create a blog separate from the one on my Myspace account. I don't really know why, I suppose it was just an impulse kind of decision. Here I am at 3:14 AM, listening to some music, and trying to ignore the constant nagging which is the pain in my back. I suffer from a neuropathic disease named Arachnoiditis. No, it has nothing to do with spiders, I've heard plenty of those remarks. It's a condition that causes the Arachnoid, which is a protective lining around the nerves in your spinal column, to become inflamed and compress the nerves located within. It's not a fun thing to have, because for me, the pain is constant and a lot of the times, extreme. I can go one day with a moderate amount of pain that I can function rather normally, to another day where the pain's so bad that I either want to put my head through a wall, or kill someone. I'm collecting Social Security Disability Insurance, so I don't work. So that leaves me with a lot of free time on my hands. Quite a lot, more sometimes than what I know to do with. I suppose that's one reason why I finally decided to create a blog like this-to distract myself. Who knows, right?

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