Wednesday, July 29, 2009


You know, sometimes I really do like the amount of free time that comes with being on SSDI and not having a job due to a disability - I really do. However, a good portion of that time is spent just sitting with my laptop on my lap (NOW I understand why they're called laptops!) and just browsing the internets, visiting my usual spots, which I will leave links to at the end of this post. I want to go out and do something with the copious amount of time I have, but I have one friend that's getting married (I'll never see him again after the wedding), another that's working to become a teacher, and another living in Texas now. So yeah, everyone is usually busy half the time. Another reason I don't go out that much is all due to the fact that the town I live in is completely and utterly BORING. We have just around three bars, and a bowling alley that I wouldn't step a foot into if I was paid for it. I'd go bar hopping if I could actually drink alcohol without worrying if I'm going to wind up in the hospital getting my stomach pumped. That's a big down-side to being on prescribed pain killers, especially morphine. There's litterally NOTHING to do in this town when it comes to the night life. I'm a night owl, I usually cannot sleep at all until around sun-up. That, of course, leaves me with a very limited amount of things I can actually do at night. I could go someplace else with some friends, but even if we did go out and do something, we'd wind up calling it a night at midnight. Again, leaving me with exactly nothing to do.

So yet again, here I am, sitting at home at 6:08 AM when other sane creatures are still sleeping, writing in my blog. I pretty much did nothing at all today, yet again. The highlight of my day was going out to buy a pack of Camel Wides and then go to Acme and pick up my mother's pills. I really hope that my friends can hang out soon, otherwise I might just bash my head into these same four walls I've come so accustomed to over the past few years. Here's hoping I suppose.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

If only...

Sometimes I really, truly wish that I could just will away any and all emotions. Anymore it just seems like feeling anything at all is just a burden too heavy to bare. I don't know, maybe I'm just more messed up than I first realized.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


I read in an issue of Maxim magazine that director Ridley Scott is going to be making a movie based on the board game Monopoly. Seriously, Monopoly? There has got to be a better subject for a movie than a board game, and not even a really good board game to boot. Don't get me wrong, I like playing it, if there are enough people to play, but it's not one of my favorites. Either Mr. Scott has run out of ideas for films, or he's low on money and is just trying to make a quick buck with a crappy idea. And since it's Ridley Scott pitching the idea, who would say no? Apparently it's going into production in around nine months. I really wonder if they are going to have the character from the game in there as well. I also wonder who they would get to play him. I also wonder who in their right mind would go and see a movie like that.

Honestly, there's got to be better subject matter to make a feature film about. C'mon Ridley, dig harder next time.

Oh, and another thing....

Just thought I would post some links to some cool websites. - Funny postings, funny pictures,etc. - A website featuring two writers from Collegehumor, Jake Hurwitz and Amir Blumenfeld. HILARIOUS stuff. - A web-comic series, mainly about video games and the like. Hilarious as well. - My Myspace page. - My Facebook page. - A nice forum, open to anyone. Nice people and the like. I'm a member there myself.

That's all for now, if I come across some other sites worth posting, I'll put them up.

New Blog

Well, I've made the plunge and decided to create a blog separate from the one on my Myspace account. I don't really know why, I suppose it was just an impulse kind of decision. Here I am at 3:14 AM, listening to some music, and trying to ignore the constant nagging which is the pain in my back. I suffer from a neuropathic disease named Arachnoiditis. No, it has nothing to do with spiders, I've heard plenty of those remarks. It's a condition that causes the Arachnoid, which is a protective lining around the nerves in your spinal column, to become inflamed and compress the nerves located within. It's not a fun thing to have, because for me, the pain is constant and a lot of the times, extreme. I can go one day with a moderate amount of pain that I can function rather normally, to another day where the pain's so bad that I either want to put my head through a wall, or kill someone. I'm collecting Social Security Disability Insurance, so I don't work. So that leaves me with a lot of free time on my hands. Quite a lot, more sometimes than what I know to do with. I suppose that's one reason why I finally decided to create a blog like this-to distract myself. Who knows, right?