Sunday, August 30, 2009

Insomnia is a bitch.

Here I am, wide awake at 6:11 AM. I didn't sleep at all Friday night, and then I only got maybe three hours of sleep Saturday afternoon. Now here I am, on Sunday morning, wide awake. My sleep schedule is really starting to become a nuisance. In the past three days I've only gotten three hours of sleep. I wonder if I'm going to continue on this no sleep journey and start hallucinating. I wonder what I would hallucinate, it's almost enough to force myself to stay awake. ALMOST. Here's hoping I'll be able to get some sleep here in the next few hours.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Stop the presses!!! The first lady wore SHORTS!!! On her VACATION no less!!!

Apparently there is a recent headline making it's way around the major networks today. The Obamas were on a family vacation to the Grand Canyon, and there were pictures of Michelle Obama wearing.....SHORTS!!!! Oh dear God, who wears SHORTS!!! Honestly, this shouldn't even be fucking news. I just saw on The Today Show on a poll they ran, 17 percent of voters found that her wearing shorts was inappropriate. Really? Those 17 percent of people should be euthanized to get their defective genes out of the collective gene pool. Oh wow, she stepped off of Air Force One in shorts, who fucking CARES? I somehow think that some of those people who found it inappropriate also follow other celebrities lives because their own lives are so empty and hollow they have no other reason for being. Aren't there more important things in the world today to report on other than following what the first lady wore on her family vacation? Like, I don't know, the American's being held in Iran? Or perhaps the fact that the only person convicted in the Pan Am 103 is being set to be released because he has three months to live, and is being set home to Libya to die there? Hmm, seems just a bit more news-worthy to me. God, if this ridiculous garbage about Mrs. Obama wearing shorts is news, I have lost a lot more faith in humanity.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Another funny website

Just thought I would swing by and post another link to a very funny website. It features a certain hilarious squirrel who goes by the name of Foamy. Here's the link: . Check it out, funny, funny stuff.